This is the second floor of the greenhouse. The dirt and water placement is in the same layout as on the first level except the height at which the blocks are placed are 1 higher with the paths in between of a half-block height. The first couple of reeds have been planted with the remaining […]
The first level of the greenhouse that houses farming operations in my multi-player world is pretty much complete and put to work. You can look through the glass panels in the ceiling to see the sky, but later on they will be covered with water for the crops that will be planted on the second […]
You can see a tiny man in the water. That’s Darryl swimming as fast as he can back to the safety of the house as night is setting in. He’s just been out collecting a bunch of sand which we can turn into glass so we can continue the construction of our greenhouse.
Seen here is Darryl carefully placing wood and glass blocks as part of the second floor of the greenhouse. The glass blocks are directly above the water blocks of the first level farm, and when the second floor’s water is placed you can see through it- just a fun little effect. I did complain a […]
The crops are growing up in the greenhouse farm. This first level consists of all wheat while the second level- which isn’t built yet in these shots- will be used for growing other things. At the moment, Darryl is making a better connecting bit between the house building and the greenhouse itself.
There’s a little creeper peaking in as I’m preparing the farm land in the greenhouse. I’m making sure I don’t get too close while Darryl sneaks up behind him and takes him out with his bow and arrow. Creepers like to creep up like that more and more often so later on I’ve actually dug […]
I was digging out the trenches for the farm in our greenhouse when I came upon a cave- fell in and cursed as I lost a couple of hearts. For future warning, Darryl decided to place a sign for us to be careful because you could fall down into “Shit, Cave!” And that’s the story […]
Darryl is clearing land for our farming project. It will be in a glass structure like a greenhouse located behind our house. You can see on top of the house is already a little bit of sugar canes growing.
Here’s Darryl on the roof of the house with a view of his “Space Needle”. This simple tower was built as a beacon so that when exploring the surrounding areas during this multi-player game, we could spot it to find our way back. We are standing on the newest section of the house. It’s the […]
This is the house we’ve built in multi-player. The part on the right is the initial base and that tone bit on top was so we could spot our house from a distance. The adjoined structure on the left is newer and more spacious on the inside.