
Category: Trap

3 different mobs caught in a trap

Posted by Admin on 25 August, 2011

This is one of the surface drowning traps I’ve built in my single player survival world. It looks like this morning I’ve caught a nice variation of bad guys! There is a creeper, a zombie and a skeleton in the trap and soon they’ll give up swimming and drown. The texture pack I’m using here […]

Two-stage surface mob trap

Posted by Admin on 24 August, 2011

Here is a drowning trap for mobs built on a mountain side. It’s a simple concept where a flow of water leads creepers, skeletons and zombies into a drowning trap which lets loot flow out of the bottom after they die. The difference is there are 2 of these traps in sequence for a large […]

Surface level creature drowning trap

Posted by Admin on 17 August, 2011

In my survival games I haven’t found any dungeons yet so I’ve decided to make myself a surface creature trap. The way it works is there’s a flow of water across the top of the hill leading into an enclosed waterfall with only a single block high gap at the bottom. Creatures fall in and […]